Sunday, November 2, 2008

What Do You Feed a Baby Dragon?

According to the above picture, you feed him rubber duckies. And possibly lots of Halloween candy! These pictures are from our church's Fall Festival, which we look forward to every year. As you can see, we also have a crop of babies ripening for the harvest! Our church has had a new baby born every month since August and this will continue through January. I get to be next!

My Baby Shower!!

I remember looking at my countdown clock on this blog when it read "80 days till due date" and "50 days" and how far away that seemed. Now it says 13 days and I can't believe it!! It really does go by fast the second time around. Here are some pics of my awesome baby shower that my sweet friends, Angie and Shelley threw for me on October 18th. As you can see, they are VERY talented and I was very lucky to be honored by them!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Hallowe'en is coming. Mmmm....candy.....

I'm really happy with how this picture turned out. It's from October of 2007. I'm trying to figure out a way to top it, but I'm coming up short.

Monday, September 15, 2008

A Day at the Beach!

Rocks don't taste as good as they look.

Contemplating God's creation.

She told him it was ice cream.

The sad thing is, he kept eating it!

We took Jacob to the beach for the first time this year. I wasn't sure how he would take to it, but he absolutely loved it. He chased waves and tried to eat rocks and ate about two pounds of sand. Sand has lots of nutrients, right?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Happy Greetings

One of Jacob's favorite times of day is when Daddy comes home. His face lights up and he bounces up and down, giddy with excitement. The video below isn't one of his best reactions, but it is still pretty good.

Finally Walking!!!

Okay, I know a lot of you have over-achiever babies who are walking well before 17 months of age. Our son just happens to be a of a more laid-back temperament. Plus, why walk when you can have someone carry you everywhere you need to go? But I am happy to announce that Jacob has finally started walking!! Unfortunately, we haven't caught it on video yet. He seems to prefer practicing under low-pressure conditions. But he's using his legs more and more. As much as I want him to walk (and need him to walk because he just keeps getting heavier and heavier), I will miss his happy crawl as he comes to greet us. Here is a sample of it:

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Three Little Monkeys!

Jacob now has two more friends in his collection. Two adorable sock monkeys made by Nana Wills! Actually one is for Jacob and the other is for Benjamin (Baby Phelps #2). But till his little brother gets here, Jacob will have to be zoo keeper for them both. Since Jacob is unable to name them right now, I plan on calling them George and Clyde.

Trip to Nana and Poppy's!

We went to Atlanta for the Fourth of July and DJ's parents were nice enough to keep Jacob for the weekend. Among the many things I forgot was a bib for Jacob. Nana and Poppy both sacrificed one of their shirts to serve the purpose. Here's Jacob happily playing in Nana's blouse. The first picture is Jacob being investigated by Nana and Poppy's cats. I'm not sure what they (the cats) thought of him, but he loved them! He had a great time that weekend and so did we!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Invisible Cheerios: The fat-free, sugar-free, calorie-free snack!

A couple of months ago, DJ and I were sitting on the couch when Jacob came up to an empty plate on the coffee table and started eating invisible Cheerios (we think). Now, whenever you hold out your hand to him, he'll eat invisible Cheerios from your hand. He even two-fists them like he does with regular Cheerios!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Reason #548 for Why I'm Glad I Married DJ. . .

His mad technical skills.

Our DVD player went kaput a couple of weeks ago. After making sure everything was plugged in properly, it seemed that it was well and truly dead and we'd have to buy a new one. This was not an expense we needed at the moment. However, DJ performed surgery and got the thing working again. Apparently, the disc changer was out of alignment somehow and couldn't move. Hurray for handy husbands! He saves us a ton of money!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Last Halloween

These are two of my favorite pictures of DJ and I with Jacob. They were taken at our church's Harvest Festival last October. As you can see, the lion costume didn't last very long. Also, Jacob has WAY more hair now!

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Any time Jacob gets overly fussy, I blame it on teething--even though he hasn't had a new tooth for nine months. I blame any problem he has on teething. He'll probably be sixteen and rebellious, and I'll say, "Well, he's probably teething." We've finally spotted new teeth coming in! He's got one, maybe two teeth coming in at the top. Here's Jacob showing off the two he's had since he was six months old. I was feeding him one day, and he just kept breaking out into this huge grin for no reason. It was hilarious!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Bath Time

Luckily, Jacob loves bath time. Hopefully this will continue!

An Update at Last!!!

Okay, I'm finally getting to work on this blog which we set up months ago. Many other friends have blogs and actually update them, so now I'm feeling guilty. You may ask, "If all my friends jumped off a bridge, would I do that too?" Well, I had a chance to jump off a bridge with friends, and I didn't do it and I've regretted it ever since. But that's a story for another time.

For any who may not know, we are on the North Carolina coast, with one 15 month old son, Jacob and another boy on the way in November. Jacob is, of course, the impetus for starting this blog in the first place. It'll be an easy way for family and friends to keep up with us if I can keep up with it!

The above picture is Jacob's first experience in a ball pit. He was in hog heaven and everytime I took him out, he immediately scrambled over to get back in.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bah bah bah?

We've all had that crazy-hard day at work when everything goes wrong and your clients love to call and let you know about it.

Jacob to the rescue!

Your mileage may vary, but this video never fails to bring a smile to my face. You might need to play it a couple of times to catch all of the subtle nuances.